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Pesquisa: STRV2

Resultados 9

SonySTRV25DEFECTIVE RELAY When the unit is cold, the speaker protection relay (RY601)clicks, but no audio comes out. Opened the case of the relay and foundthe flux from PC board which was preventing the contact of the switchinside the relay.
SonySTRV25AGED RESISTORS The customer has owned this unit for 16 months and has hadit serviced by an independent servicer 4 times. She said it would playfor a while and then one or both channels would go out and it would stopworking. The relay would kick out.
SonySTRV25ERROR IN MANUAL Page 7 Procedure 2, error adjust RT101 for 76 kHz +/- 100 Hz.This is opposite STR-V2/-V3/-V4.
SonySTRV25MODIFICATION ON MOUNTING FLAME PROOF RESISTORS Q652 failed causing flame proof resistors R633, 664, 665 tooverheat and open. This type resistor gets very hot before opening sincethese are mounted tight against the board. Damage will occur when theyget hot.
SonySTRV2ERROR IN SERVICE MANUAL VCO adjustment Page 9, Procedure 2, adjust RT201 for 19kHz+/- 100Hz error.
SonySTRV25MODIFICATION FOR RELIABILITY 2SA979 transistor (Q605/655) fails. -HQ COMMENTS: See upcoming S/B: 100 ohm emitter resistor gets replacedby 150 ohms (also in Technical Newsletter #8110).
SonySTRV25ERROR ON PCB SILK SCREEN Q605/655/606/656/607/657/608/658/609/659/610/660/612/613/614/615/616 are all marked wrong on PC board.
SonySTRV2P/N FOR GLASS Cases of concealed damage to front glass on these models havebeen reported. Present solution is to replace entire front panel assemblybut it is costly. -HQ COMMENTS: A similar situation developed on the STR-4800SD, -5800SD,-6800SD models 3 years ago.
SonySTRV2BLOWN TRANSISTORS Several units came in with blown power fuses.

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