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Modelo - Chassis V25

Pesquisa: V25 Enviar Dica Resolvida
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ParadaAo ligar a TV apaga o stand by arma o relé e desliga.capacitor em curto na saída de áudio c528 ou c520 matando osso. 12 voltes da fonteCabeça
Tv standby piscando não ligaCapacitores grandes na saída de som em curto.Rivaldo
nao liga led apagadocapacitores 453+456 na placa principal perto da l2retirar os cap. eir para o abraçorn eletronica fortaleza ce
pisca standby e não inicia, não acende leds e desligabga principalfeito o reflow funcionou normalmente. equipamento barato, não da para cobrar muitotrovarelli bauru
Acende LED vermelho, passa a verde e desligaQ202 na fonte com defeitoMarco Souza SP
Falhava ao tocar disco de cd e dvd (os discos executavam porém engasgando), as vezes dava uns trancos na unidade óptica e disco ao abrir a gaveta saia girando.C121 1000uF/10V , C123 1000uF/16V e motor spindle (motor que gira o disco disco).Trocar componentes citados em causa.edcomp@ig.com.br
Não lê CD e DVD e fica dando uns trancos na unidade óptica.C121 1000uF/10V e C123 1000uF/16Vedcomp@ig.com.br
NO TURN ON KP53V25 Unit will not turn on. Shorting the Emitter and base of highvoltage output allows the h. drive to appear at the collector of the h. driver transistor. Update: unit had bad flyback. Anode lead will not come out of flyback. Must replace lead link fro Anode 1-900-211-34 short link for anode lead Muller
DEAD KP61V25 serial 9001930 Dead Unit has no high voltage. ""E"" board is wet from glycol coolant leak from the Red and Blue CRT's that are leaking Red an Blue tube ""Muller
system control Unit has intermittent snow in the picture. 8-598340-20 tuner was replaced. Now the set has a symptom where the remote control causes the set to enter the video input mode when the channel is selected. Also the set will enter the video input mode if another brand of remote that operates a stereo receiver is used. I instructed the tech to enter the tech mode and set the ID codes...ID0=25, ID1=23, ID2=47, ID3=0, ID4=27,ID5=135, ID6=1, ID7=0 . Write these in memory, then press ""8"" ""Enter"" to initialize. ""Muller
retrace lines KV32V25 serial 7019547. Unit has bright screen with retrace lines then shuts down. Measuring the 200 volt B+ at the CRT socket we found the voltage to be under 126 vdc. This indicated the 200 volt source was not running. I had the tech check R553 a .47 ohm 1/2 watt resistor and it was open. Replaced the resistor and the set operated normally Muller
retrace Unit has bright screen with retrace lines then shuts down. Measuring the 200 volt B+ at the CRT socket we found the voltage to be under 126 vdc. This indicated the 200 volt source was not running. I had the tech check R553 a .47 ohm 1/2 watt resistor and it was open. Replaced the resistor and the set operated normally Muller
raster Unit had an arcing inside the flyback transformer. The tech replaced the transformer now the unit has a bright band at the top of the screen. The tech replaced the jungle IC without affecting the symptom Tech noticed the +15 volt source was lower than expected. It was only 10 volts. It is not unusual. The voltage is normally 12 volts. What the tech missed is the -15. This voltage must be there in order for the set to have any vertical sweep. Resistor for the -15 volt source from the Flyback was open. D530 and R537 a 0.47 ohm resistor. Muller
no video KV32V25 Unit has no video when using the front input jacks. All other inputs are O.K. When tracing the video signal from the front input connector we find good video on the connector but less than an inch away from the connector is a coupling capacitor C2233. Apparently the trace was torn after the video input jack entered the board. Placing a hard jumper wire from the Jack to the C2233(-) corrected the fault. Muller
No Highvoltage KV32V25 serial # 7014651. Unit has no high voltage. The horizontal driver has tremendous amount of ringing on it. Does not change if we remove horizontal output transistor. The transistor has drive has 7 distinct pulses on the base that go above and below the cut off point of the transistor. These seven pulses are 1 microsecond in duration and are grouped in clusters after where the horizontal drive pulses are supposed to be. If allowed to operate for more than a minute the horizontal driver transistor Q502 will short C to E. The product has a bad jungle IC301 Muller

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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