Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: L6.2 PHILIPS

Resultados 61

Philips L6.2 Picture is horizontally narrowed and deformedCapacitor C2913 390nF, 250V on the deflector PCB had lost capacity
Philips L6.2 No sound, no picture and the power supply makes a loud and low tone chirping noiseReplace shorted Capacitor 2912 2n2, 2kV on the deflection module. Note that 2912 is hard to find. It should be blue. If it's brown it's bust
Philips L6.2 Power supply will not start upResistor 3506 0.33 Ohms, 1w fusible had failed, a replacement brought the set to life
Philips 25PT4423 L6.2 Stuck in standby, LED on, no HTThere may be no 5V to the microprocessor. Check R3509 and D6501. Replace R3509 with a 47k 1 Watt version 4822 053 10473. D6501 is type BZX79B5V6 4822 130 34173. Check the +150 volt rail, 145V is too low
PhilipsL6.2AASquealing or Dead with lop tr s/c L5420 15µH in 14v supply faulty
PhilipsL6.2AARepeated failure of loptrcaused by 5420 coil in loptr base o/c pt no 4822 157 50965
PhilipsL6.2AALine o/p Tr repeated failureL5420 int o/c
PhilipsL6.2AAInt deadTransistor 7507 in PSU near chopper tfmr BC337-40
PhilipsL6.2AAHigh HTR3510 33k hi res
PhilipsL6.2AADead - blown psu & s/c lop trcaused by 5420 coil in loptr base o/c pt no 4822 157 50965
PhilipsL6.2/6.3Goes dead with no LED lit aft few minsTr 7505 BC337-40 replaced
PhilipsL6.2 L6.3Chan lock up etcReplace Tr7505 BC337-40
PhilipsL6.2 AADead with whine from psuC2012 2n2 2Kv - cracked
PhilipsL6.2 286NSNarrow, snowy raster with bright strip 2 inches wide down middle, no sound or r/c.Replace transistor 7505 near chopper transformer BC337-40 which read high.
PhilipsL6.2 25PT4494Shuts down aft a min with cogging - ok at restarttr515 and choke 5428

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