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Pesquisa: KV27EXR10

Resultados 17

SonyKV27EXR10H FREQ OFF AFTER KIDS TURN OFF/ON WITH PANEL AND REMOTE Kids turned TV On and Off at the same time. One childusing the remote while the other hit the front panel power button. Hor. freq memory goes off.
SonyKV27EXR10NEW CRT REPLACEMENT 8-733-850-05, REPLACE YOKE RING MAGNET This is the second report I've had on the new CRTindicating that the H. STAT has to be all the way to the ground to get itanywhere near converged. In one case, it was close enough that theycould use the HMC correction to get it in. In this case, he
SonyKV27EXR10WEAK VERT SYNC, REPLACED C415 Customer complained that pix would flip sometimes, butespecially on channel change, and movie credits often smeared and leanedover. Verified problem, found weak sync signal going into comb filter onU1 board. Replaced leaky C415, problem resolved. -HQ CO
SonyKV27EXR10NO PINCUSHION, RESOLDERED Q-503 No pincushion adjustments.
SonyKV27EXR10NO COLOR, REPLACE LEAKY D308 ON A BOARD No color. Diode 308 becomes leaky, turning off Q417transistor - chroma into IC301 shuts off. The emitter of Q417 goes to7.3V instead of usual 3.7V.
SonyKV27EXR10INTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED Q-603 (G BOARD) Intermittent shut down. sometimes it would stay on just a fewminutes. The 135V line never changed and the load never changes.
SonyKV27EXR10WHEN SET TURNED OFF, POWER SUPPLY STAYS ON, REPLACED RY-601 Power supply would stay on and video/audio would blank out butno relay click when turned off. Q-601 relay drive transistor base andcollector. Voltages were switching correctly for power On and power Offfunctions. Unplugged TV and found relay RY-601 wi
SonyKV27EXR10NO COLOR - CHANNEL 3, REPLACE COMB FILTER CM-1301 Unit had no color channel 3 only. All other channels ok.Voltage at pin 6 is approximately 4vdc. Disconnected R-445 and insert DCand color would appear, however, color on other channels is bleeding.
SonyKV27EXR10VERTICAL ROLLING AND PINCUSHION DISTORTION, IC-101 Set had vertical rolling and pincushion was off. Tried toadjust, the display characters on screen would change but the picturecontinued rolling and pincushing stayed the same.
SonyKV27EXR10NO PICTURE SLEEP LIGHT ON, REPLACE C-500 Set has high voltage. Sleep light is on, but set has nopicture. Found .7Vpp on pin 31 of IC-301 (should be 2 volts). ReplacedIC-500 and IC-301 still not working properly. Found shorted C-500. -HQ COMMENTS: When C-500 (on pin 1 of IC-500) shorts, ver
SonyKV27EXR10NO AUDIO, CUSTOMER SELECTED SPEAKER SWITCH OPEN MODE Servicer called me and said the TV had no sound. He foundQ-432 to be turned on which opened the speaker switch. D-421 was forwardbiased by way of SP switch signal from system control. I found thatsomeone has inadvertantly programmed the remote to mute t
SonyKV27EXR10BARS ON THE SCREEN, REDRESS WIRES FROM "C" BOARD Five faint vertical bars across the screen on white backgroundonly.
SonyKV27EXR10VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE, RESOLDER C-546 Vertical lines in picture sometimes on top sometimes on thebottom. Looks like retrace but in reality it is ringing.
SonyKV27EXR10NO PINCUSHION, REPLACE IC-531 Unit had a pin-cushion problem at turn on. In checkingunit the following occurred: L-517, R-533 was warm. Checked pin (1) ofIC-531 found that the waveshape was correct, but the DC voltage was 5V.This caused Q-530 to turn on heavier. Because of this L-
SonyKV27EXR10NO PICTURE, IK LINE RELATED TROUBLESHOOTING As you may have noticed, when servicing this and other unitsusing this particular IC-301, RGB lines at the IC level are blanked any-time the C board is disconnected. The main reason for this blanking isa cathode current detect line (IK). When the unit

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