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Modelo - Chassis 5000

Pesquisa: 5000 Enviar Dica Resolvida
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PART NUMBER FOR REC PROOF SWITCH TAPE SELECT There is no part number listed for the REC proof switch onthis model. What is the part number?
CHANGE OF VIEWFINDER TYPE Regarding the above CRT for the CCDV5000 viewfinder, has thisCRT been changed from a square type to a round type? A servicer says heopened a viewfinder to replace the CRT and noticed it had a round typeinstead of the square type. Has it been changed?
IMPROPER IRIS OPERATION WHEN IN MANUAL MODE When switched to manual mode, iris would close completelyunder lower light conditions.
INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR AF-DM ASS'Y The part number listed in the manual for the AF-DM ass'y isA-7030-171-A. This part number is no good in KCP or RPC.
NO AUDIO FOR 1 1/2 SECONDS AFTER PAUSE When customer takes unit out of pause mode, he has no audiofor 1 1/2 seconds. This causes a problem when editing. -HQ COMMENTS: This is normal operation. The audio must be muted untilthe servos come up to speed, otherwise there would be noise from the
WHEN USING DIGITAL FUNCTIONS OVERLAP NOT SMOOTH When in Standby mode, picture will jump when going fromdigital functions to clear. When using the overlap function, afteroverlap is completed, picture will jitter slightly. Checked adjustmentsto digital board and found them in specs. Jitter of picture
OUTDOOR TOO RED AUTO SLIGHTLY OFF RED After performing white balance adjustments, found outdoorpreset to be slightly red. Is there a way to compensate for this withoutaffecting the manual white balance setting? -HQ COMMENTS: The white balance adjustment should work OK. Please tryre-perfor
COLOR FLICKERS 30 SECONDS INTO PLAYBACK Color starts flickering after about 30 seconds of playback.
TAPE STICKS WHEN EJECTING Tapes are intermittently sticking inside when ejected. Thereturn link has a square bend on the end toward the rear of the deck andan angular bend on the front. If the spring is installed backwards, itcauses the problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Thanks for the inf
NOT SHOWING WHEN BATTERY IS LOW I supplied an externally regulated DC power supply with unitin Record, Standby, I lowered the DC supply from 6.3V down to 5.5V. Thebattery down indicator did not come on at all on the LCD or monitor.
VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE Vertical, winding lines in picture, unstable raster.
IN PCM MODE NO RIGHT CHANNEL No right channel in PCM mode.
TUNER WILL NOT LOCK IN ON ANY CHANNEL, REPLACED C208 Tuner would not lock in on any channel. Forced tuner intolocking up on a station and picture had very weak video information.Drive IC-2202 pin 4 (AFT Detect) pin, had 12V DC, and pins 1, 2, 3 had6VDC each on them.
UNABLE TO INPUT CONTROLS FROM THE PAD Unablt to input controls from the pad.
NO SOUND No Sound.

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