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Modelo - Chassis 5000

Pesquisa: 5000 Enviar Dica Resolvida
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RANGE APPROX 5 FEET - TRIM LEGS OF CF202 IN HANDSET Handset would lose connection when approx 5-10 feet frombase.
HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is
LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
DIST AUDIO FIRST APPROX 10 SEC AFT CAM ON/RPL C378, PC52 BD Distorted and low audio for first approx 10 seconds afterturning camera on. Has to be off for several hours in order toduplicate.
NEW MIC JACK PART DIFFERENT INTERNALLY THAN ORIGINAL/JUMPERStandardized Replacement Dual Mic Jack p/n 150779721 has different internal switching from original jack. Because pins 5 and 6 must be cut off to fit board, the Mic audio is lost.
HORIZONAL BAND LINES IN PLAYBACK/RESLD PIN1, CN605, DI-21 BD Unit had intermittent problems in playback: 1.horizontal bands of incorrect color, 2.colors changing, 3.no video output.
LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
NO DISCONNECTION WITH B & K TELEPHONE ANALYZER Answering machine will not disconnect with B & K telephoneanalyzer. The unit works fine with normal telephone line.We would like to have the information on VOX circuit. -HQ COMMENTS: This unit will not disconnect with the B&K telephoneanalyzer becaus
INTERMITTENT COLOR ON RECORDING/ REPLACE C630Intermittently no color on recordings, E-E and playback are OK. Found defective filter capacitor C630 in chroma processor.
RESISTOR PART #S ON THE MANUALS BACK PAGE Resistors on CPA main PCB are not listed in manual ordered3.3 1/6 w from back page to see if it was correct for R3007. Part is toolow wattage value 1/6 w part on board looks like 1/2-1w.
UNIT SHUTS DOWN WHEN USING BATTERY/REPLACE IC103 Unit ran fine on AC adaptor but would not ooperate withbattery. Tech was not able to perform battery down adjustment, no matterwhere set unit shut down at 6.3 volts. Battery sense line at themicroprocessor was changing when RV001 was adjusted at pin 4
POOR VIDEO IN FORWARD SEARCH (TEARING): REF 304 LEFT COASTER Unit had excessive hitches in forward play, forward search hadan unusable picture.
BLOWS FUSES, CAPSTAN FLEX RUBS THROUGH Unit had F603 open. Found that FU70 board was rubbing thecapstan motor flex cable. There was no FU insulating plate.
UNIT DEAD NO LCD FOUND Q106 OPEN, So even with ever 5V units MICRO (IC101) DIDNOT DETECT BATTERY IN. -HQ COMMENTS: IC103 is the voltage regulator IC. The voltage detectorIC104/IC105 then commands Q106 to switch between Lithium or Batteryvoltage.
TIPS FOR PIX NOISE I have noticed, on these units, if you see white snownoise in the pix, then usually the head is defective. If, however, you seedark dropouts or streaks in the pix, you can usually expect both the headand RP amp to be defective. In either case, remember

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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