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SonyKV2643RNO SOUND OR PICTURE, REPLACED IC2002 No sound or picture. Could not program any channels norwould the set change address positions.
SonyKV2643RINCORRECT CHANNEL INDICATION The channel indicator neon lamps are polarized and will notlight when soldered in backwards. The lamps are not marked as to whichway they are to be soldered in.
SonyKV2101POOR V LINEARITY, R517 INCREASED IN VALUE Poor vertical linearity top 1/3 of picture slightlycompressed. Vertical size control to end of range. Waveform at base ofQ501, blanking pulse 5 msec, it should be 1.2 msec.
SonyKV1714DEAD Dead set, 1.6 amp fuse blown, horizontal out transistorshorted, B+ regulator shorted.
SonyKV1543RINTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED R532 The set would intermittently shut down.
SonyKV1201NO COLOR, RESOLDERED R356 No color. Checked CW signal at the collector of Q307 whichwas not there. Signal was present at the base. I checked the DCvoltage - collector was 18V, that told me that the transistor was notconducting. Base voltage was normal (3V) emitter was 2.8V.
SonyKP5000GREEN PICTURE, REPLACED C323 Severe bright green screen no control.
SonyKP5000SHUT DOWN, REPLACED C5112 Immediate shut down - no high voltage.
SonyKP5000DEAD, BUSHING ON VERT OUTPUT WAS CARBONIZED Unit cannot be turned on. When the power switch is activated,unit comes on for 2 seconds and goes off. Checked and F6103 was foundopen. 120V line was loaded. When I checked resistance from 120V B+ toground, I read 150 ohms both ways. GA-9 (plug) Pin
SonyFX310NO AUDIO No audio - any function. Acts like bad function switchbecause if applied additional pressure on knob volume works - releaseknob - no audio.
SonyTPSL2DEFECTIVE MOTOR Tape player would not run. Motor seemed to draw excesscurrent. A check of the motor revealed the FG winding was shorted to themain winding.
SonyTPSL2WEAK BATTERY SPRING Customer complaints of wow while tapping the unit (I found 4units with the same problem).
SonyTCM280MISPRINT IN S/M On page 23 of TCM-280/280B service manual a part numbermisprint exists. -HQ COMMENTS: The correct part numbers for two diodes are as follows:DM-101 8-745-101-01DM-101A 8-745-101-11The DM-101 substitutes for the DM-101. Thus, in this case, the part
SonyTCK96RCONNECTION ERROR IN MANUAL The connection point shown for the white wire is incorrect.This should go to the other end of R719. The wiring diagram in themanual supplement #2 is not clear on where this wire connects. Also, theblack jumper wire and R707 to the connecting point of t
SonyTCK96ROPEN D604 Unit will only go into FWD plays - all other modesnonfunctional.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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