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SonyCFD760TUNER REMOTE CONTROL NOT OPERATIONAL, CD REMOTE CONTROL OK The remote control would not operate the tuner, but it wouldoperate the CD normally. If you moved the function switch from CD toTUNER, the remote would operate the tuner for a short time.
SonyCFD765TUNER REMOTE CONTROL NOT OPERATIONAL, CD REMOTE CONTROL OK The remote control would not operate the tuner, but it wouldoperate the CD normally. If you moved the function switch from CD toTUNER, the remote would operate the tuner for a short time.
SonyTAM50AVAILABILITY OF AC-T122 AC ADAPTOR Previously the AC-T122 AC Adaptor used in this unit was notavailable, and was subbed at KCPS with a AC-T120. However the AC-T120 is a200 mA adaptor, while the AC-T122 is a 300 mA Adaptor. Therefore theAC-T120 will not operate the TAM-50. Therefore as of
SonyTAAV521OVERDISCIPATED RESISTOR/CAPACITOR C-761 mylar capacitor changed shape and looks likeelectrolytic cap. R-779 overdiscipated also. Customer's complaint iswhen you use center channel, popping sound is heard. R-729 had sign ofoverdiscipation also. Output transistors and emitter resistors s
SonySPPA20TAPE DRAGGING When unit starts acting up, audio head or supply reel isholding and starts dragging. The FF/REW is ok. Problem is veryintermittent. You can hear grinding noise from MD assembly. Unit will cutoff intermittently when trying to leave a message. Sometimes er
SonyCFD757SOUND CUTS OUT INTERMITTENTLY Sound cuts out intermittently and technician (Chad Tremble)found that the flex cable from terminal to cone is conductingintermittently. Suspected the defective flex cable. -HQ COMMENTS: I checked the speaker and I agree with your findings.There is a po
SonySTRD1090CRACKED BOARD AROUND T-901 Cracked MCB near T-901 transformer. This is low consumptionpart. I believe technicians are fixing board because board is still notbad enough to exchange.
SonyCFSW304HIGH PART CONSUMPTION This part is highly consumed. Part is failing prematurelyeven after just a small amount of use. -HQ COMMENTS: Also applies to model CFD-750/760.Tokyo has been informed. Your samples have been sent to Tokyo forevaluation. Tokyo has evaluated the samples
SonyLBTV102WRONG PART NUMBER: BRACKET (B) ASSEMBLY Servicer ordered part number from model using same mechanismand received a part which was labeled as being applicable for this model(although s/m shows it as not supplied on page 29). The part receivedwould not fit properly on this model. See detail in
SonyACV60WRONG PART NUMBER Part number in service manual is listed incorrectly. If orderpart listed in service manual will receive wrong part. I need flat type. -HQ COMMENTS: Please order 8-759-512-82.
SonyCFD60NEW DECK, HEAD DOES NOT FIT IN OLD UNIT. Original part (Deck, Head) ordered and received one which isnot the same. Please research problem. -HQ COMMENTS: In the future please refer such parts problems to KCPS.Your samples have been forwarded to KCPS for investigation.KCPS has investigated your
SonyKV32XBR95SNO CHANNEL NUMBERS IN PIP INDEX MODE, ADJ T-3001, T-3002 When in PIP index mode either 8 or 16 the channel numbers aremissing. Video is OK. On main picture channel numbers are OK. Now havethree sets with this problem.
SonyCDPC20UNIT INOPERATIVE Unit had no audio output. There was no +5V supply for IC-201.
SonyD36GEAR ON SLED ASSEMBLY BREAKS The middle black gear in the gear train driven by M-902 breaksand the only way we have to fix it is to change the entire sled assembly.
SonyKV27XBR55TIMER MODE MISOPERATION/ MISTAKE IN OWNERS MANUAL Customeris in the Video Mode. They set up the timer to turntheir TV ON at a preset time and channel. When the unit comes on thepicture is from the preset channel, but the audio is still in the videomode. -HQ COMMENTS: Customer Owners Manuals have a mist

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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