Dicas Reparação Jvc

Pesquisa: C14ET1EK jvc

Resultados 36

Jvc C14ET1EK ONWA Picture height is reduced to 2 inchesReplace C418. It's the coupling capacitor from the frame circuit to the scanning coils. It's value is 1000uF, 25V
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaRapid tripping at sw onC402 4n7 500v leaky in prot network
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaDead tho' st/by relay operatesSupply of 8.5v to IC301 pin 42 missing - R323 6k8 5w o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaCol goes aft 5 minsPin 12 IC301 AN5601K low at 2v (5.1v); C325 0.47mf 35v tant was fitted wrong way round
JVCC14ET1EK -OnwaDeadC909 47µ had exploded & perlace C911 47µ 50v. No Ht when replaced - R404 1R0 safety res o/c in 16v supply
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaWriggling line at bottom of pic (after repairing blow up)12v line low at 11v - fusble res R434 0R68 had risen in value
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaSync crushing with soot & whitewash picC113
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaPoor field syncC308
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaPatterning & no colourCF101 in IF o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo TxtC020 3µ3 50v o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo sound with slight whistleC106
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo soundC110
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaInt reverts to st/byLeaky tactile switches
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaFailure to stop on search tuneCheck ident cct - Q614/615, caps, 1N4148 diodes D609/610
JVCC14ET1EKTunes ok but goes off tune when "Memory" pressedT106 AFC coil o/c in IF can

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