Dicas Reparação Jvc

Pesquisa: C14ET1 jvc

Resultados 42

JVCC14ET1Sem côr, tem croma no pino 5 e não no 7 do IC AN5601KC306 0.01uF C/ FUGA (pino 5 do jungle)
Jvc C14ET1EK ONWA Picture height is reduced to 2 inchesReplace C418. It's the coupling capacitor from the frame circuit to the scanning coils. It's value is 1000uF, 25V
JVCC14ET1KNo col & reduced height12v supply low R434 (6R8) hi res
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaRapid tripping at sw onC402 4n7 500v leaky in prot network
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaDead tho' st/by relay operatesSupply of 8.5v to IC301 pin 42 missing - R323 6k8 5w o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaCol goes aft 5 minsPin 12 IC301 AN5601K low at 2v (5.1v); C325 0.47mf 35v tant was fitted wrong way round
JVCC14ET1EK -OnwaDeadC909 47µ had exploded & perlace C911 47µ 50v. No Ht when replaced - R404 1R0 safety res o/c in 16v supply
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaWriggling line at bottom of pic (after repairing blow up)12v line low at 11v - fusble res R434 0R68 had risen in value
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaSync crushing with soot & whitewash picC113
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaPoor field syncC308
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaPatterning & no colourCF101 in IF o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo TxtC020 3µ3 50v o/c
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo sound with slight whistleC106
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaNo soundC110
JVCC14ET1EK OnwaInt reverts to st/byLeaky tactile switches

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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