Dicas Reparação Jvc

Pesquisa: C14E1EK Onwa jvc

Resultados 6

JVCC14E1EK OnwaSet comes on to standby - relay clicks.R323 ( 6k8 5watt ) fusible resistor o/c ( maybe Int ) between p42 of IC301 & HT rail.
JVCC14E1EK OnwaNo goR323 ( 6k8 5watt ) fusible resistor o/c between p42 of IC301 & HT rail.
JVCC14E1EK OnwaInt snowy pic at sw on with no OSD or R/C functsOK once TMS73C47 micro reset (s/c pin 32 to chassis briefly). Caused by crack in print at front edge of pcb on track to pin 2 micro - hard to see due to covered in black ink
JVCC14E1EK OnwaDead - no st/byQ902 2SB774 base emitter s.c. (used BC558).
JVCC14E1EK OnwaDead - HT highC909/911 47µ cured HT problem but still dead; No supply pin 42 AN5601K dec/tb chip IC301. R323 6k8 5w fusible o/c
JVCC14E1EK OnwaDeadAfter replacement of usual caps the mains smoother C907 4700pF 500v in psu pri was found to be leaky

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