Dicas Reparação Jvc

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JVCCS2181EKTOff tune at sw on gradually tunes inCO16 10µ 16v sm in s.select module
JVCCS2181EKTNo signals - Ok via scart socket.IC M54477L in tuner ( NLA ) req new tuner.
JVCCS2181EKTNo signalsNo o/p from Prescaler chip M54477L in tuner - chip unavailable so replacement tuner reqd at £40 +
JVCCS2181EKTAll stations reverted to chan 21 & tunes but no chan storeCheck sm elects in station select module for leakage
JVCCS2181EKLow gain esp at higher end of bandAGC pot replaced
JVCCS2180EKTuning driftStation select module SBX-M904A(E)
JVCCJT21EKSound dist aft 15 minsIC651 AN5265
JVCCJT21EKDead - no start up volts pin 4 IC921Has lowish res both ways between pin 4 & chassis of STRF6653 - chip faulty
JVCC21TX1EKNo syncSync signal goes thro Txt panel - X002 6Mhz Xtal was faulty with no osc
JVCC21M3EK OnwaNo soundIC601 micro has no PWM o/p on vol cont pin - chip faulty
JVCC21M3EK OnwaField collapse, no sound after replacing C909/911 R419 & 12v ZenerR421 0R68 ½w fusible o/c; D406 s/c - used BY228
JVCC21M3EKSt/by onlyHT present 110v. Replaced C909, C911 47µ 50v 105deg, ZD401 12v zener s/c, R419 1R0 2w o/c
JVCC21M3EKPower supply not starting up , may be intermittant.Replace C910 0.1uF
JVCC21M3EKNo visionCMOS switch IC202 4066B - comp video disappeared through it

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