Dicas Reparação Jvc

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JVCAV29TS2EKInt sw offD405 on LH side of FOP chip o/c (in X ray prot) - can remove Q573 X ray Tr to prevent sw off whilst check for cause of fault
JVCAV29TS2EKField - jumping like dry joint22k resistor on print side under glue had dry joint
JVCAV29SX4Small pic at sw on then reverts to st/byC521 line tuning cap changed value 4n 1.5kv
JVCAV29SX2EKTo enter service modePush "I" & "mute" on handset together
JVCAV29SX2EKMotorboat effect in st/by (aft 10 secs)IC601 dry joints & check components nearby for dry joints
JVCAV29SX2EKMotorboat effect in st/byR616 dry joint in mute line to IC601 (under glue)
JVCAV29SX2EKInt jagged verts/line tearingFaint "gurgling" noise from LOPTx - LOPTx faulty
JVCAV29SX2EKCol disappears aft 2/3 hrs - col bars appear intC110 12pF off pin 40 IC101 faulty
JVCAV29SX1ENNo soundReplace IC 952 (5V REG for audio control , Dolby,etc)
JVCAV29SX1EK JASound missingL & R chans ok at i/p TDA7315D IC401 but nothing leaving it. IC703 EEPROM AT24C)429SX1EK was faulty
JVCAV29SX1EK JASound absentIC805 muti sound proc chip can be cause but IC703 EEPROM pt no AT24C0429SX1EK was faulty (on wrong sound system)
JVCAV29SX1EKSt/by only - no line driveWhen pin 6 IC806 dis'd (Txt micro) works ok - P83C654FBP/541 u/s
JVCAV29SX1EKPic takes a long time to come on then disappears again aft 10 minsDry joint pin 12 LOPTx
JVCAV29SX1EKPic flickers & disappears aft 1/2 hrReplace the TDA8350Q vertical output chip (IC401) - You should fit a TPCE-0051 kit at 14UKP
JVCAV29SX1EKPic flashes on/off rapidlyCheck FOPTr heatsink contact

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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