Marca | Modelo (Chassis) | Sintoma | Causa | Solução | Por: |
Sony | TCK501R | MOTOR BOATING IN PLAYBACK - REPLACED RELAY RY301 | Motor boating in right channel found RY301 bad. | ||
Sony | TCK501R | NO FAST FORWARD/FAST REVERSE | Unit does not Fast Forward/Fast Reverse. After the techniciantroubleshot the unit, he replaced IC-501, Q569, Q563, Q561, Q566, Q568,AMS solenoid, D1004, D1002 and C1005 with no solution. I recheckedeverything and found if I connected the volt meter acr | ||
Sony | TCK555 | NEW MOTOR DOES NOT TURN | After replacing the capstan motor (M2), the new motor does notturn. | ||
Sony | TCK5 | AUDIO WARBLE | This is the same problem as reported on TC-K60. (ReportDK-1-3). The lower bushing on the lever comes off, and the motor switchlever is allowed to come up against the reel and puts a flutter in theaudio. | ||
Sony | TCK501R | PLAY WON'T ENGAGE | When play is depressed in either direction the head chassisdoes not move, subsequently the pinch rollers will not engage. FoundR562 improperly installed. One end of the resistor was not insertedinto the circuit board, therefore was not soldered to the | ||
Sony | TCK555 | GROUND SHORT | The left channel looses record amplitude intermittently.The ground shield between the record and playback boards shorts againstRV301, the left channel record level control. | ||
Sony | TCK555 | DEFECTIVE IC202 | Unit would go into REC mode, however reel tables would notturn and it would eat tapes. Found that B+ (10V) to board was low.Isolated problem to shorted IC202. | ||
Sony | TCK555 | DIRTY PINCH ROLLER | This unit exhibited excessive wow and flutter. Inspection ofthe pinch roller revealed little spots of what looked to be LOCKTIGHT.This same problem has been found on two other units. | ||
Sony | TCK5 | MISSING RETAINER CLIP | This unit displayed a periodic warble in the sound. A checkwith a torque cassette revealed the back tension to be erratic. We foundthe lever situated underneath the reel table to have come loose. This inturn was periodically rubbing on the reel table. | ||
Sony | TCK55 | DEFECTIVE RELAY | Right channel meter erratically PEGS accompanied by loud hum. | ||
Sony | TCK55II | DEFECTIVE REMOTE CHIP | Unit functions jammed in rewind mode voltages on Pin 33 was0.37 volts. Rewind mode voltage should read 10 volts. Voltages ofremote chip Pins 9, 5, 11 and 7 were 1.9V also should be 10 volts.Remote chip affected total operation of tape deck. | ||
Sony | TCK5 | MISSING BUSHING | Both of these units came in with excessive wow and flutter.What causes this is the absence of a bushing which holds motor switchlever in place. Without this bushing motor lever is allowed to movefreely and ends up meshing with the teeth on supply gear c | ||
Sony | TCK5 | DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ARE MISSING | No disassembly instructions are given for removal of thebutton assembly. |